Recent Acquisitions
Showing 172–180 of 488 results
Minneapolis Honeywell Reg Co 1 oz Brown eye droper Bottle Size 48 x 27 x 80mm High v1888 Philadelphia.
$ 41 -
Mint 2 Waterman French Ink Bottles 2 oz size 64mm High x 64 mm wide v1575
$ 100 -
Mint Ebro Tinta para Bottle Size 63 x 68 x 87mm Hassinger SA Barcelona, Spain v1814
$ 100 -
Mint Large Pilot Red Ink Size 60 x 47 x 56 High v1776
$ 35 -
Mint Platignum Blue Ink with original Box Made in Japan v1831
$ 25 -
Mint Waterman JiF Effaceur Blotter Size 205 x120mm ad1048
$ 25 -
Mizeret Rinqueberck & Rouviere with Pen rest size 49 x 43 x 51 high v1660
$ 40 -
Most important Find sold at Victorian Albert Museum London v1892
$ 105 -
Nice Old Ink Well with metal Stand Crystal Well Size 54 x 54 x 32mm High with well Cap to match the frame lB9409
$ 71